Bankside Development Issued “Dangerous Structure Notice” After Glass Falls to Pavement Outside Tate Modern, Despite Warnings for Years.

Neo Bankside, the high profile development outside the Tate Modern which was shortlisted for architectural awards, has been formally issued with a Dangerous Structure Notice by the council after glass fell to the floor, narrowly missing passers-by.
Leaseholders, supported by their Liberal Democrat ward councillors, say that they have been warning both the owners and the council about the potential for glass breakage for five years, but no significant action had been taken.
It is understood that the glass used was not strong enough relative to the size of the panes, and when residents noticed cracks appearing, began to raise the alarm. But despite attempts to get the landlord to take action, nothing of consequence has happened until the glass finally broke.
As well as highlighting the shocking inaction of those responsible, despite repeated warnings, it also highlights the lack of recourse leaseholders have under the system. Liberal Democrats have been calling for residential leasehold to be abolished, which would empower those currently on leases to take action themselves.
The Dangerous Structure Notice gave until the 7th August for the owner to take action, and the Liberal Democrats have asked the council for an update on whether the owners have responded.
Commenting, Liberal Democrat Borough and Bankside Councillor Irina Von Wiese said:
“Southwark residents and visitors should be able to walk around Bankside without risking their lives. If Southwark Council is unable to monitor and hold to account the private developers and millionaire owners of Neo Bankside, who will? For years residents and my Liberal Democrat colleagues have been warning about this accident waiting to happen, so it’s alarming to learn that the council only took action after these warnings came to be realised.
Thankfully no one was injured, but it was a narrow escape. How much more has to happen before decisive action is taken to reign in rogue developers and property owners?”