St Saviour's Dock Clean-Up and Conservation Petition
In the past year, your North Bermondsey Liberal Democrat councillors Rachel Bentley (Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Bermondsey and Old Southwark), Hamish McCallum and Emily Tester, have been actively engaging with the Port of London Authority (PLA) to encourage their collaboration with the local community and other stakeholders. This dialogue includes the pressing issue of cleaning and conserving St Saviour's Dock, a historically significant body of water in the area.
St Saviour's Dock has a rich history, once serving as the mouth of the River Neckinger. The dock has been a vital part of the local landscape for centuries, contributing to the development of Bermondsey and hosting various mills and warehouses.
However, numerous concerns have been raised by the local community regarding the accumulation of rubbish and litter in the dock. This influx of debris from the Thames poses a threat to the local waterfowl and wildlife. Also, this has the unfortunate consequence of tarnishing Bermondsey's reputation as a vibrant and diverse area rich in cultural and historical heritage.
The PLA has cited health and safety concerns for not permitting a community-led clean-up of St Saviour's Dock. Given the severity of the problem and its impact on the environment, your North Bermondsey Liberal Democrat councillors are calling upon the PLA to take the following steps:
- Launch a prompt and comprehensive clean-up effort for St Saviour's Dock. This will help protect the area's historical significance and ensure the well-being of local waterfowl and wildlife.
- Collaborate closely with relevant partners, including local environmental groups and governmental bodies, to develop a long-term solution to prevent further rubbish and litter from entering the dock. This initiative could involve installing an appropriate boom system designed to capture debris and prevent its entry into the dock, thus safeguarding both the environment and the local community.
St Saviour's Dock Clean-Up and Conservation Petition
I/we the undersigned, ask that the Port of London Authority (PLA) work constructively with the North Bermondsey Liberal Democrat councillors, the local community and other stakeholders to address the pressing issue of cleaning and conserving St Saviour's Dock.