Statement on the Restoration of the Labour Whip to Neil Coyle MP

Following the restoration of the Labour whip to Neil Coyle MP, Cllr Rachel Bentley, Liberal Democrat candidate for Bermondsey and Old Southwark said:
“Just a few weeks ago, Parliament’s Independent Expert Panel published a report finding that Mr Coyle had breached Parliament’s Bullying and Harassment Policy on multiple occasions, including a finding of racism directed towards a journalist. Mr Coyle was rightly suspended from the House of Commons as a result.
It is now up to the local Labour party to decide whether or not, under these circumstances, it wishes to select Mr Coyle to be their candidate at the next general election. This will be a key test of Sir Keir Starmer’s “zero tolerance” approach to racism. If they do select him, the voters will then be able to have their say on his record.
Only Labour and the Liberal Democrats have elected representatives in Southwark, but residents have been let down by Neil Coyle in Westminster and locally by Southwark Labour. Now more than ever with the cost of living crisis, creaking public services and the climate emergency, we need a government that works and an MP that cares. It’s clear that we don’t just need a change of government, we need a fresh start as a country. I promise to work tirelessly to earn every vote and be an MP who represents all our communities with integrity.”