Step in Where the Tories Have Failed Businesses, Southwark Lib Dems Urge Council

Southwark Liberal Democrats have urged the council to step in where the Tories have failed businesses, in a consultation response sent on Wednesday evening.
This response noted the tremendous pressures that businesses were under following Brexit, covid, and the cost-of-living emergency.
It asked the council to explore policies such as a rent-relief fund to help struggling enterprises, alongside more financial support for commercial energy bills.
Southwark Liberal Democrats sent the letter as a submission to the council’s economic strategy consultation.
Commenting Cllr Rachel Bentley, Southwark Liberal Democrat Local Economy spokesperson said: “Our local economy is paramount to the communities of our borough. It creates employment opportunities, and provides accessible goods and services that reflect and serve our diverse demographics. The Tory government in Westminster has failed to act to support businesses and this is Southwark’s opportunity to do something ambitious to fill that void. We urge them to think in a more pioneering manner that reflects the vital role that businesses of all sizes play across our borough.”