All problems of Southwark Labour's own making say Lib Dems at Full Council

Southwark Liberal Democrats are holding Southwark Labour to account as 'A problem of their own making' for their failed decade of delivery on youth provision in Southwark, including failed affordable housing delivery and dither and delay on climate change which is resulting in over 200 premature deaths in Southwark per year.
They have challenged Labour's motion on a new deal for youth, removing their self promoting rhetoric and replacing with more realistic assessment of what damage Labour has done to youth provision over the past 11 years of being in power.
This includes cutting youth service provision by over 50% in 2016 whilst at the same time granting themselves significant 'Golden Goodbye' payments for any Labour cabinet member who leaves their post for whatever reason.
For more information please read the full text of the suggested amendment to the motion: