Local Councillors Lead Way in Fighting Crime and Anti Social Behaviour

Liberal Democrat Councillors Maria Linforth-Hall and Graham Neale held a key summit with police, the council, and the community on Saturday (25th January), to ensure those responsible could hear how local people were experiencing crime in St George’s Ward.
Residents of St George’s came to the meeting and pressed the local police inspector and Labour’s Community Safety boss on a range of issues affecting the community, with drug-related activities, safety concerns, and ASB topping the agenda.
A key concern raised was the prevalence of drug dealing and drug usage in various parts of the ward, including Lamlash, Fives Court, and along King William Street. Residents expressed frustration over the visible impact of these activities on their neighbourhoods.
Safety was another major issue, particularly for those living in Housing Association or Council Homes. Residents reported feeling unsafe due to intruders forcibly gaining access to buildings by kicking in main entrance doors. These incidents, occurring at all hours, have left many feeling vulnerable in their own homes.
Other concerns included phone snatching, the exploitation of vulnerable individuals through "cuckooing," and a lack of respect for the community from some residents.
The meeting underscored the urgent need for action to address these issues and restore a sense of safety and community in the ward.
Commenting, Liberal Democrat Councillor for St George’s Ward, Cllr Graham Neale said:
“The concentration of hostels in our ward brings unique challenges, and it’s important that the police and council recognise that by hearing it first hand from residents. Liberal Democrats will continue to support local residents, and campaign to get more investment into council community services”.
Liberal Democrat Councillor for St George’s Ward, Cllr Maria Linforth-Hall added:
“I’m so pleased to have been able to bring the community together to address the problems our residents face, and bring the challenges directly to those at the top. We hope that this has given the police and the council cause to take urgent action to tackle the hotspot of crime and anti-social behavior”