New portfolios unveiled for Southwark Lib Dem Council Group for 2021-22
Council Group Leader Cllr Hamish McCallum today announced the new opposition spokesperson portfolios for the Southwark Liberal Democrat Council Group saying:
“I’m proud to announce and congratulate all my colleagues on their new positions."
"I’m also proud we just re-elected Caroline Pidgeon and Cllr Hina Bokhari to the London Assembly. Further, Liberal Democrats now have a total of nearly 2600 councillors and there are 45 councils across the UK that the Lib Dems either lead or deputise for."
The new opposition portfolio positions for Southwark are:
Community Safety and Youth Services – Deputy Leader, Cllr William Houngbo (London Bridge and West Bermondsey ward)
Housing and Homelessness - Cllr Anood Al-Samerai (North Bermondsey ward)
Climate Emergency – Chief Whip Cllr Adele Morris (Borough and Bankside ward) who will also represent Planning and Regeneration
Skills, Jobs and Businesses – Cllr Humaira Ali (London Bridge and West Bermondsey ward)
Adult Social Care and Domestic Violence - Cllr Maria Linforth-Hall (St Georges ward) who also becomes Community Champion for the North West area and representative for Housing Forums
Tenants, Residents and Community Engagement – Cllr Jane Salmon (Surrey Docks ward) working alongside Cllr Maria Linforth-Hall
Environment, Roads and Low Traffic – Cllr Graham Neale (St Georges ward)
Transport – Cllr Damian O’Brien (London Bridge and West Bermondsey ward) who will work alongside Cllr Graham Neale
Health – Cllr David Noakes (Borough and Bankside ward)
Social Support – Cllr Eliza Mann (North Bermondsey ward)
Equalities, Leisure and Culture – Cllr Victor Chamberlain (Borough and Bankside ward) who will also be Vice Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny committee
Children and Education – Cllr Nick Johnson (Surrey Docks ward)
Finance – Cllr Dan Whitehead (Surrey Docks ward)
Cllr McCallum added:
"My team and I will be focused on holding this failing 11 year old Southwark Labour administration to account over the next year."
Southwark Liberal Democrats will bring a bolder, greener, faster liberal vision that delivers for Southwark – putting the voice of residents at the heart of everything we do."