Southwark commits to audit of Southwark’s ‘sad’ playgrounds following Lib Dem motion

The Southwark Liberal Democrat opposition secured a commitment from the council to audit and improve Southwark’s play spaces, after three were picked among London’s ‘saddest’.
The motion, proposed by member for North Bermondsey Cllr Rachel Bentley at last night’s full council, highlighted the “sorry state” of play spaces in Southwark.
The motion was amended by Labour, but kept commitments to audit and improve play spaces on play spaces in the borough - which were voted through unanimously.
Last month, play spaces on the Kirby, Rouel Road and Abbeyfield estates were chosen among ‘London’s Saddest Playgrounds’ by charity ‘London Play’.
London Play attended the meeting alongside residents of the Kirby Estate, where the council-maintained playground has been closed for other 3 years.
As part of a redevelopment, Southwark Council demolished the play area on the Bells Gardens Estate only to pause the project indefinitely after running out of money.
Commenting, deputy leader of the Southwark Liberal Democrat Cllr Rachel Bentley, who proposed the motion, said:
“Labour like to paint a rosy picture of play in Southwark, but it’s just another fantasy. Play spaces across Southwark are in a sorry state. Broken equipment, sinkholes and padlocks on fences. The kids of Kirby Estate haven’t had access to a play area for three whole years!
We are glad that the council has taken on board the demands of the Southwark Liberal Democrats and has committed to a comprehensive audit with the aim of improving play spaces. Hopefully, this will pave the way for the investment we need to give kids in every community the chance to play.”