Southwark Lagging Behind on Recycling while Lib Dem Councils Soar Ahead in London and Beyond

A new report from the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) shows that Southwark has only the 13th highest recycling rate in London.
In 2021-22 Southwark only sent 36% of all household waste for recycling or composting.
In comparison, Lib Dem controlled Richmond recycled 48% of all household waste in the borough.
The three Lib Dem controlled councils in London had an average recycling rate of 44%, while the Conservative controlled councils averaged 38% and Labour councils even lower at 31%.
Nationally, Lib Dem controlled St Albans City and District Council achieved the highest recycling rate of any local authority with 64% of waste recycled.
The report was produced by CPRE London as part of the ‘A More Natural Capital’ coalition and calls for more action on London’s “embarrassing” recycling record.
Commenting, Cllr Graham Neale, Southwark Liberal Democrat Environment Spokesperson, said:
“Southwark’s subpar recycling rate is indicative of a lack of urgency in its response to the climate emergency. Labour’s unambitious target of having the highest recycling rate of inner London boroughs amounts to nothing more than Southwark sitting top of the rubbish heap.
Every borough in London needs to be making meaningful steps towards 50% or higher recycling rates. We need to do everything we can to reduce how much waste is sent straight to the incinerator. It’s about time Labour started learning from the Liberal Democrat councils that are leading the way on recycling in London and the UK.”