Southwark Literally Leaving Residents Out in the Cold as Labour Refuse to Address Failures in Council Heating Network

On Tuesday, Labour Councillors refused to address the blatant inadequacies of Southwark Council’s heating network, which has left hundreds of residents without heating or hot water.
Lib Dem members of Southwark Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) members, Cllr Irina von Wiese and Cllr Victor Chamberlain, requested the council “call-in” a decision that would renew the contracts currently responsible for heating.
In Southwark, a decision will only be scrutinised by OSC if requested by three sitting members of OSC.
One additional member of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was required to support the call-in request to ensure the decision was scrutinised further.
However, no Labour members stepped forward to support the request despite many of their residents being left in the cold. As a result the inadequate heating contracts will renewed without additional scrutiny.
The report recommends renewing the two contracts that are responsible for delivery and maintenance of heating services in 40,000 council properties in Southwark.
Commenting, vice-chair of OSC Cllr Irina von Wiese said:
“The failures of Southwark’s heating are there for all to see. My colleagues and I have been inundated reports from residents, some very vulnerable, being left without heating and hot water for days, sometimes even months. The fact that not one Labour member stood with us and their residents to demand these issues be addressed is astounding.
Once again, Labour decided to mark their own homework, and let residents in their council properties continue to struggle. This is all the evidence needed that Southwark must reform its scrutiny procedures immediately to allow for proper scrutiny.”