Statement on the Recommended Suspension of Neil Coyle MP

Following the report of Parliament’s Independent Expert Panel into the behaviour in parliament on two occasions last year by Neil Coyle, MP for Bermondsey and Old Southwark, and the recommendation of suspension from parliament, Chair of the Southwark Liberal Democrats, Richard Wingfield said:
“The Independent Expert Panel’s Report into Mr. Coyle’s behaviour in the Palace of Westminster is clear and explicit and speaks for itself. It is clearly right that findings of multiple breaches of Parliament’s Bullying and Harassment Policy, including racism directed towards a journalist, should lead to a period of suspension from parliament. All MPs should expect severe consequences for such unacceptable behaviour.
In the coming weeks it will be for the national and local Labour parties to decide the political future of Mr Coyle as an MP and candidate, and how his past behaviour should be dealt with by the Labour party.
In Southwark, only two parties have elected representatives - the Liberal Democrats and Labour. At the next election, Liberal Democrats will be fielding good candidates for every seat, and we will always challenge the record of the Conservatives nationally and Labour across London and in Southwark. We aim to go on winning as many votes and seats as we can. It is clear that our borough needs a Liberal Democrat MP to represent us again as soon as possible.”